Thursday 23 July 2015

Maui and the Sun

Last term our inquiry topic was Myths and Legends. We looked at lots of different myths and legends. We really enjoyed learning about Maui and we drew the sun from Maui and the Sun.
We practised first by drawing them in our inquiry books. We practised drawing the half sun and then a full circle to see which one we liked best.

 Savannah and Jordis's practise sun

 Cheldyn and Vaka's Practise sun 

 Mariah and Jairus's practise sun 

 Fereti's practise Sun

 Chance and Lino's practice sun 

 Orlando's practise sun 

Jah and Dane got to take Mariana's sun home.

Then we did them on a big piece of paper

If you went to the Matariki light festival at Te Oro you might have seen some of our artwork because it was on display at an exhibition! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi room 2,
    You guys have great art work on Maui and the sun, I can see that you guys have took your time and drawing and coloring on this. Keep It Up Great Work.

