In Room 2 this week we have been reading the story "The big block of chocolate." We have done lots of learning about sharing and how chocolate is made. We decided to make our own book with ourselves as the characters.
Room 2 has a worm bucket-Passion
We put Apple's, bread , kiwi fruit and crusts in our worm bucket- Matthias
Room 2 like tipping the fruit into the worms- Ocean
We all know where the worm farm is now.
It smells stinky and there were little flies- Savannah
It is stinky- Lexus
We drew some pictures of things we are allowed to put in our worm bucket.
In Room 2 we have been writing recounts. These 3 children have learnt the structure for a recount and have created a piece of writing together about going swimming. They were focusing on ordering events and using time words. Have a look at their work here in the video!
We hope you all had an amazing time at the Manaiakalani Film festival! We sure did and we loved seeing the amazing movies on the big screen! Our movie is about going to the zoo and seeing all the animals. We hope you enjoy watching it and make sure to leave us some comments below!
Toady the circles maths group were practicing skip counting in 2s. We liked the idea of using socks because they come in sets of 2. We worked with Miss Nua and we practised solving problems, after that we used the iPads to show what we had learnt (or what we needed more work on) and now we are sharing our work on the blog!
Here is some of our completed work!
In room 2 we have some new plants. We have a strawberry and tomato plant. Before Miss Nua bought them we learnt what plants need to live and we learnt that plants start growing in spring becuase there is lots of sun and rain. Plants need sun, water and dirt to live and grow. We are going to look after them and hopefully get to eat some yummy strawberries and tomatoes soon.
Today in our class we all used the iPads to show that we could read numbers and count 1:1. Some of us worked with a buddy so we could help each other. We had to read the number, count the counters, then take a photo and insert on our work using the app "Explain Everything."
Here are some pictures of us doing our work and a few images to show what we can do!
Look at how clever we are! We love using the iPads for our learning becuase we love taking photos!
This week has been Niuean language week. We made some flags and learnt a few simple greetings. This is a way you can say hello to your friends. It is a pretty long greeting and we had to practise lots to remember it!
On Thursday it the National Shake out day and lots of people around New Zealand did an earthquake drill, which is a practise. A sound came over the speakers and we had to get under a table and hold on. We had to cover our head because we have to look after our brains.
Here is some of the writing we did today. We put in some pictures of us under the tables to show what we did when we did the earthquake drill.
Today Jairus chose to do our basic sight word puzzle. He was able to match and read all the words! He is now going to start learning his blue words at home. Ka pai Jairus!
This term the whole school is focussing on space and the Kia Kaha team is specifically looking at seasons. On Monday the whole school watched the movie Home which is about an alien. Here is some of our writing that we did about the movie Home.
Then we made rockets and had a competition in our team to see whose rocket could go the furthest.
We made our rockets using a straw, paper and a stapler. Then we had a little competition in the classroom and talked about ways to make our rockets go the furthest.
In the afternoon we met up with Room 1 and 3 and had a competition to see whose rocket would the furthest. It was pretty windy so our rockets flew pretty far!
We had lots of fun and are now looking forward to learning about the seasons!
Today in Room 2 we made paper spinners. First we had to colour in the circle on both sides, then Miss Nua put cut holes and help us to thread and tie the string. Then we had to practice making it spin fast. We the used the app Explain everything to take a picture of our paper spinner and write a sentence about it all by ourselves. We all worked really hard and found words on the word card and around the room to use it our writing.